FM 22-51
These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.
Army Publications
AR 310-25. Dictionary of United States Army Terms (Short Title: AD). 15 October 1983.
(Reprinted with basic including Change 1, May 1986.) AR 310-50. Authorized Abbreviations,
Brevity Codes, and Acronyms. 15 November 1985. DA Pam 25-37. Index of Graphic Training
Aids (GTA). 1 July 1991. FM 12-50. US Army Bands. 6 September 1991. FM 16-1. Religious
Support Doctrine: The Chaplain and Chaplain Assistant. 27 November 1989. FM 22-5. Drill
and Ceremonies. 8 December 1986. FM 22-102. Soldier Team Development. 2 March 1987. FM
100-2-1. Soviet Army Operations and Tactics. 16 July 1984. FM 100-37. Terrorism
Counteraction. 24 July 1987.
These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.
Multiservice Publications
FM 100-20. Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict. AFP 3-20. 5 December 1990.
Army Publications
AR 40-216. Neuropsychiatry and Mental Health. 10 August 1984. *AR 165-1. Chaplain
Activities in the United States Army. 31 August 1989. *FM 8-42. Medical Operations in Low
Intensity Conflict. 4 December 1990. FM 21-20. Physical Fitness Training. 28 August 1985.
*FM 22-9. Soldier Performance in Continuous Operations. 8 December 1983. *FM 22-100.
Military Leadership. 31 July 1990. FM 25-101. Battle Focused Training. 30 September 1990.
*FM 90-10. Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MO UT) (How to Fight). 15 August
1979. *FM 90-10-1. An Infantryman's Guide to Urban Combat (How to Fight). 15 August 1979.
*FM 100-5. Operations. 5 May 1986. GTA 21-3-4. Battle Fatigue, Normal, Common Signs,
What to do for Self and Buddy. June 1986. GTA 21-3-5. Battle Fatigue, "More Serious" Signs:
Leader Actions. June 1986. GTA 21-3-6. Battle Fatigue, Company Leader Actions and
Prevention. June 1986.
*This source was also used to develop this publication
Nonmilitary Publications
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Third
Edition, Revised. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1987.
These readings contain relevant supplemental information.
Army Publications
DA Pam 600-63-10. Stress Management Module for "Fit to Win" Program. September 1987.
FM 8-10-4. Medical Platoon Leaders' Handbook. 16 November 1990. Mullins, W.S. and Glass,
H.A., eds. The Medical Department of the US Army, Neuropsychiatry in World War II (1973).
Overseas Theaters, OTSG, Department of the Army Washington, D.C. The Medical Department
of the US Army in The World War 10 (1920). Neuropsychiatry, War Department, Washington,
D.C. Summers, Harry G. Jr. On Strategy, The Vietnam War in Context. Carlisle Barracks,
Pennsylvania: US Army War Department, 1981.
Nonmilitary Publications
Cable, Larry. Conflict of Myths: The Development of American Counterinsurgency Doctrine and
the Vietnam War. New York: New York University Press, 1986. Belenky, Gregory, ed.
Contemporary Studies in Combat Psychiatry. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987. Du Picq,
Ardant. Battle Studies, trans. John N. Greely and Robert C. Cotton. (Harrisburg: Military:
Military Service Publishing Company, 1947.) Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. New
York: Grove Press, First Evergreen Black Cat Edition, 1968. Gifford, R.K. and Tyler, M.P.
"Consulting in Grief Leadership--A Practical Guide." Disaster Management 2, No. 4(1990).
Holmes, Richard. Acts of War: Behaviors of Men in Combat. New York: Free Press, 1985.
Home, Alistair. A Savage War of Peace. New York: Viking Press, 1978. Kellet, Anthony.
Combat Motivation: The Behavior of Soldiers in Battle. Boston: KluerNijhoff, 1982. Marshall,
S.L.A.. Bringing Up the Rear. Presidio Press, 1979. Swank, Roy L., and Marchand, Walter E.
"Combat Neurosis." Archives of Neurology 55 (1946): 236-46.
FM 22-51
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Overview of Combat Stress Control
Chapter 2 - Stress and Combat Performance
Chapter 3 - Postive Combat Stress Behaviors
Chapter 4 - Combat Misconduct Stress Behaviors
Chapter 5 - Battle Fatigue
Chapter 6 - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Chapter 7 - Stress Issues in Army Operations
Chapter 8 - Stress and Stressors Associated with Offensive/Defensive Operations
Chapter 9 - Combat Stress Control in Operations other than War
Chapter 10 - War and the Integrated (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) Battlefield
Chapter 11 - Prevention of Battle Fatigue Casualties and Misconduct Stress Behaviors
Appendix A - Leader Actions to Offset Battle Fatigue Risk Factors
Appendix B - Organization and Functions of Army Medical Department Combat Stress Control Units
Appendix C - United States Army Bands
Appendix D -The Unit Ministry Team's Role in Combat Stress Control and Battle Fatigue Ministry
Appendix E - Example Lesson Plan
Glossary - Abreviations and Acronyms
References - Sources Used

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