LifeLine Resources
VA Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
Army Suicide Prevention Site
Improving readiness and minimizing suicide behavior; thereby preserving mission effectiveness through individual readiness for Soldiers, their Families, and Department of the Army civilians.
Caregiver Resources - U.S. Department of Defense
The Department of Defense (DoD) provides resources and information exclusively for military caregivers who assist wounded, ill and/or injured Service members with activities of daily living. DoD’s Military Caregiver Support includes the Military Caregiver PEER (Personalized Experiences, Engagement, and Resources) Forum Initiative , the Caregiver Resource Directory, monthly Military Caregiver Virtual Forums, as well as Military Caregiver webinars, events and specialized resources
Resources for Warriors, Families and Professionals:
Veterans Affairs, National Center for PTSD
The Center aims to help U.S. Veterans and others through research, education, and training on trauma and PTSD.
Veteran Legal Assistance
'Lawyers serving veterans to keep the promise of a nation'
American Bar Association, VetLex, offers information about social service providers who can address issues (e.g., employment, housing, medical that often occur in tandem with legal issues.
USA Cares
Provides military families with financial support and other critical resources in their time of need.
Operation Homefront
Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and morale assistance for our troops, the families they leave behind, and for wounded warriors when they return home.
JOBS - Hire a Vet
Service members or veterans looking for a job can network with military-friendly sites and put their military experience to good use as a civilian.
Defense Centers of Excellence
Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury, the Defense Centers of Excellence leads a collaborative effort toward optimizing psychological health and traumatic brain injury (TBI) treatment.
DOD Military Health System
Comprehensive medical healthcare support to all DoD Service Members, Retirees, and their Families.
National Military Family Association
Short-term nonmedical counseling is offered to service members and military families in many locations,
Assists those men and women of our Armed Forces who have been severely injured during the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations.
Military Onesource
Emotional support during deployments, relocation information, help with managing grief, anger, stress, childcare, personal financing and parenting.
AMEDD Deployment Portal
U.S. Army Medical Department Center Deployment Portal provides a comprehensive network of support services for Service Members and their Families.
Navy Fleet and Family Support Center
Helping Warriors and their Families with personal finances, employment, relocation, parenting, life skills, volunteer services, family advocacy and more.
Marine Corps Suicide Prevention Home
Helping Marines and their Families handle overwhelming problems before suicide seems like the only answer.
Air Force Crossroads Health & Wellness Center
The Official Community Website of the United States Air Force. Information, spouse network, education, parenting guide and more.
"Advice Line" Call-In Radio Program
Get immediate insights and advice for overcoming stress, anger and the life's personal challenges, from the nation's first and longest running radio counselor. Preference given to all Warriors, Families and Professionals.
Connects Service Members, Military Families and Veterans to all the benefits of service — government benefits, scholarships, discounts, mentors. Members share stories, insider tips, news from the front lines, and unique slices of military life including the tough stuff of war.
A DoD website that provides opportunities for citizens to show their support for the US Armed Forces by writing letters and e-mails, sending care packages, offering scholarships and helping the wounded when they return home.
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA
A network comprised of people in communities across the country: survivors; people who have attempted suicide or struggled with suicidal thoughts, and their families; professionals serving families and communities; community leaders; and concerned citizens.
TRICARE Mental Health Family Association
TRICARE covers mental health/behavioral health care for Warriors and families.

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