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![]() Its Impact: From Vietnam to Iraq. Dr. Raymond M Scurfield, DSW, LCSW Vietnam Veteran, author of A Vietnam Trilogy of books. (New York: Algora) About Dr.Scurfield Current C.V. Word Version 1. There are numerous myths and realities that are misunderstood about war and its impact; such myths have been around for decades and compound the post-war challenges facing Armed Forces Personnel and their Families (Scurfield, 2006b). These include:
2. Pro-war and pro-military advocates and politicians oftentimes are not pro-veteran adherents: this is because there always are extremely strong competing priority funding tensions between funding the existing war versus funding programs and benefits for Veterans---those who favor funding for expensive technology, weapons, etc., oftentimes are resistant to more funding for Veterans’ benefits, health and social programs. 3. The Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), is a political appointee by the President. Hence, he/she typically is more responsive to current Administration policies (i.e., cutting the federal budget except for DoD funding) than being an ardent advocate for Veterans’ health, mental health and benefits needs. 4. Once again there is a paucity of coordination and collaboration between the DoD and the VA, with a prevailing DoD attitude that those who do not perform well can be discharged “for the VA to take care of.” 5. There is a remarkable angst created by having a Veterans’ benefits system that in effect financially rewards Veterans for having psychiatric disorders, and that punishes them financially if they improve significantly. Indeed, the system in place literally requires that Veterans be given a psychiatric diagnosis to be eligible to receive financial and priority medical services. This is an extremely powerful dynamic that inevitably inflates the numbers of Veterans who are given and who maintain a PTSD diagnosis. Tragically, the pressures to get and keep a PTSD diagnosis in order to qualify for and keep a service-connected disability rating are enormous and can lead to (a) distorting treatment outcomes and (b) labeling many Veterans with a PTSD or other psychiatric diagnosis who may have a normal and expectable response to war trauma. 6. Front-line Combat Forces always have been the cannon fodder during war. From the movie, Ulysses: 7. Western countries continue to justify “conventional” warfare as being much more defensible than an enemy’s guerilla warfare or terrorist acts (Scurfield, 2002; Scurfield, Viola, Platoni & Colon, 2003). 8. For every enemy you kill in a guerilla war, you create (at least) two new ones (Galloway, 2006). 9. Occupying troops in any foreign land initially may be welcomed as liberators, but the longer they remain, they inevitably will become despised as foreign occupiers. 10. The extent of the killing and maiming that occurs to the civilian populace in the country in which the U.S. is fighting almost never has any meaningful impact on the war policy or on funding decisions. 11. During a current war, governmental and military authorities inevitably issue highly optimistic reports that the mental health services for this war are unparalleled in our history and are doing a good job to minimize mental health casualties. Even when true, seldom is there mention that the acute psychiatric casualty rate has absolutely no relationship whatsoever to longer-term psychiatric rates. 12. Indeed, the acute psychiatric rate that occurs while in the war-zone and within the first several months following return from deployment always is less than the longer-term rate (see, for example, Solomon & Mikulincer, 2006). This lesson should give national policy makers great cause for concern that the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) requires significant funding and staffing to handle not only the needs of our Veterans today, but the even greater needs that are almost sure to come tomorrow. 13. Institutional factors contribute to under-reporting of mental health problems and concerns. Politicians and DoD officials will do this to hype how well the current war is progressing. And officials of the government, DoD and VA oftentimes appear more interested in attempting to minimize the truth about the full human impact of war by “blaming” the individual casualty for having war---and post-war related problems---rather than admitting the full extent to which war is the significant etiological factor. 14. War Veterans and their Families also contribute to the under-reporting of mental health concerns:
5. Various studies of Veterans from Vietnam onward reveal that 15% to over 30% of war Veterans suffer PTSD and/or other major psychiatric problems sometime during and/or following their return from deployment. This appears to be the human cost of war on Americans---regardless of the war (i.e., Hoge et al, 2006; Kulka et al, 1990; Seal et al, 2007; Solomon & Mikulincer, 2006). This linear relationship between exposure and mental health problems was confirmed recently by the third Army mental health survey of Iraq veterans---see Wood, 2006: Soldiers serving a repeat deployment reported higher acute stress than those on their first deployment. (See also Seal et al, 2007, that found younger age and length of deployment as risk factors.) 17. Initial euphoria and adulation paid to our Armed Forces inevitably dissipate and many Troops will move on to become very proud and/or perhaps very invisible, lonely and isolated Veterans of One. Indeed, 18. For a substantial number of war Veterans, the negative impact of war trauma exists for decades:
19. A current war always has a significant impact on many veterans of previous wars and hence on resources, i.e. old psychological war wounds can be torn asunder and exacerbated (alternatively, there might be renewed pride and determination that our current Armed Forces will be treated fairly and with full respect and support). 20. In longer-term studies of aging Veterans of WW II, Korea and Vietnam, a substantial minority of Veterans has been found whose PTSD symptoms not only persist over decades but are exacerbated and worsen (i.e., Archibald & Tuddenham, 1965; Solomon & Mulciner). This seems to be associated with such factors as:
21. There is absolutely no evidence that the military medical mission to “conserve the fighting strength,” the practice to medically evacuate psychiatric casualties out of a war-zone “only as a last resort” and to return them to duty ASAP, have any relationship to positive longer-term mental health of the psychiatric casualty. 22. Medical evacuees from a war-zone face a host of stressful and traumatic experiences from the moment they are wounded or hurt in the war-zone until long after they are returned stateside (Scurfield, 2006a).
23. What is reinforced by military training and by military mental health practices in a war-zone are such strategies as denial, suppression, avoidance, minimizing of significant problematic emotions or issues. Unfortunately, these very same strategies too often are the source of significant problems when trying to readjust to civilian life if the veteran cannot let them go to a considerable degree---and too many cannot. 24. The military spends only a fraction of the time and effort to help military personnel return from war and “unlearn” being a war-zone combatant---in great contrast to the time and effort that goes into turning military personnel into combatants. The minimal attention to deconditioning is critical in that the common strategies used to prepare one to kill and survive while deployed in a war have corresponding and potentially very negative impacts after returning from deployment. (See “Battlemind Training 1, Transitioning from Combat to Home” for one approach at such deconditioning). By and large, returning military personnel are left to “unlearn” such conditioning on their own (Platoni, 2007), i.e.:
25. Key issues facing a number of Armed Forces personnel that have too little if any attention paid to them in military or civilian mental health assessments or interventions include (a) racism towards the enemy, civilian population and between Americans (Scurfield & Mackey, 2001; Loo et al, 2001), (b) sexism and gender-based trauma, and (c) homophobia (Scurfield, 2006b,c). 26. There are serious problems with the validity and usages of a PTSD diagnosis in terms of being able to differentiate between a “normal” or “expectable” response to trauma versus a “disordered” response. This is particularly so for the trauma of war.
27. Military veterans inevitably accept an exaggerated degree of responsibility for every trauma involving them that occurred in the war-zone—versus when a democratic nation goes to war, should not every citizen of voting age bear a share of the responsibility for all that happens during the war? (See Scurfield, 2006b, for description of the “determining the percentages of responsibility” technique to address such issues.) 28. Core PTSD mental health assessment and treatment interventions almost never significantly address a core issue of vets—their relationship with their country, their government, and their communities. And when the nation is experienced or perceived by our veterans as having forgotten them and their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families, this is experienced as a profound betrayal (Scurfield, 2006b, 2007a) And so, one of the worst experiences that is most hurtful to veterans:
29. Two other experiences most hurtful to veterans:
30. Politicians, military officials and current active duty personnel all tend to emphasize how different and unique the current war is. This emphasis is used to invalidate appreciation of the lessons learned from prior wars that are still applicable today and obscures the remarkably powerful universal aspects of all wars. 31. There is a singularly universal source of traumatic impact on combatants: 33. There is the widely held and mistaken belief that warriors in battle are fighting primarily for their country. Wrong. For many combatants, they are fighting primarily for their comrades-in-arms and for their own survival. In the heat of war and battle, nothing matters more—and for a number of combatants, the welfare of their buddies is paramount, even more so than their own welfare. Hence, dynamics and issues within small-unit relationships are infused in the trauma of war and must be addressed in healing. 34. “Politics” and political issues always are extremely important dynamics and stressors that deeply impact on combatants and veterans and hence, need to be an integral element and subject of mental health intervention. Is the country united or divided about the current war? If divided, what is the impact of debates and criticisms “pro-this-war” and “anti-this-war” on our troops and their families during the war and afterwards? (Because there always is an impact.) 35. And the troops themselves always have deeply held political convictions about the rightness or not of this current war. The ramifications on healing are enormous. If a combatant believes strongly in the merits and moral rightness of this war, that belief can help to sustain oneself through the horrors exposed to and committed. Conversely, if while deployed or sometime after deployment one is or becomes against this war or is extremely ambivalent about its rightness, this can be devastating to one’s own rationalizations about how the combatant feels about what had to be done to survive. Such issues must be addressed (Scurfield, 2007b). 36. An essential element to address as part of the post-war healing process: there is a sacred covenant that society and our military pledge to each other: 37. Our country, especially the VA, provides extremely minimal services for the partners and children of Veterans, e.g., VA work-load credit received is extremely minimal for services to family members. 38. There are over 20 important “do’s” and “don’ts” about how to interact with someone who has returned from deployment to a war-zone. Unfortunately, family members oftentimes learn these only through needless trial and error---or are never learned. And yet these have been experienced following all wars. Family members have the right to be educated about such do’s and don’ts, and our government has the responsibility to see that they are, before Veterans return from deployment (see Scurfield, 2006b) and Lyons, 2007), i.e.,
39. Returning decades later to a land in which a Veteran fought can provide post-war healing opportunities not otherwise available (Scurfield et al, 2003, Scurfield, 2004, 2006a regarding healing trips to Vietnam). 40. For every negative legacy that a Veteran brings home after the war, there is a countervailing and potential positive aspect---and vice-versa (Scurfield, 2006c), i.e.:
versus What are other lessons unlearned about war and its impact that you might be aware of? REFERENCES Archibald, H.C. & Tuddenham, R.D. (1965, May). “Persistent stress reaction after combat. A 20-year follow-up.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 12: 475-481. Cozza, S.J. (2005). “Combat exposure and PTSD.” PTSD Research Quarterly, 16 (1), 1-7. Galloway, J. (2004, September 18). “War in Iraq: It’s got to be about more than numbers.” www.sunherald, Biloxi, MS, C2. Hoge, C., J. Auchterlonia & C.S. Milliken. (2006). “Mental health problems, use of mental health services, and attrition from military services after returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. JAMA, 295 (9), 1023-1032 Kulka, R.A., W.E. Schlenger, J.A. Fairbank, R.L. Hough, B.K. Jordan, C.R. Marmar & D.S. Weiss (1990). Trauma and the Vietnam War Generation. Report of Findings from the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NY: Brunner/Mazel). Loo, C., Fairbank, J., Scurfield, R., Ruch, L., King, D., Adams, L. & Chemtob, C. (2001). Measuring exposure to racism: Development and validation of a race-related stressor scale (RRSS) for Asian American Vietnam veterans. Psychological Assessment, Vol. 13 (4), 503-520. Lyons, Judith (1997). “The returning warrior: Advice for families and friends.” In C.R. Figley & W.P. Nash (Eds.) (311-324), Combat Stress Injury. Theory, Research and Management (New York: Routledge). Platoni, K. (2006). The War Room. Platoni, K. (2007). Warning signs, triggers and coping strategies for veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Powerpoint. . Accessible on-line at Patriot Outreach. (Adapted from Scurfield, R.M. War Trauma, 2006). Scurfield, R.M., Viola, J. Platoni, K. & Colon, J (2003, March). Continuing psychological aftermath of 9/11: a POPPA experience and critical incident stress debriefing revisited. [POPPA = Police Officers Providing Peer Assistance]. Traumatology: The International Journal of Innovations, Vol. 9 (1), 4-30. Scurfield, R.M. & Mackey, D. (2001). Racism, trauma and positive aspects of exposure to race-related experiences: Assessment and treatment implications. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 10 (2), 23-47. Scurfield, RM., Root, L., Wiest, A., Coiro, FN, Sartin, HJ, Jones, CL & Fanugao, MB. (2003, Fall). History lived and learned: Students and Vietnam veterans in an integrative study abroad course. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad., Vol. IX: 111-138. Scurfield, R.M. (1992). The collusion of sanitization and silence about war: One aftermath of Operation Desert Storm. Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 5, #3, 505-512. Scurfield, R.M.(2002, January). Commentary about the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001: Posttraumatic reactions and related social and policy issues. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Vol. 3 (1), 3-14. Scurfield, R.M. (2004). A Vietnam Trilogy: 1968, 1989 & 2000. Veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress. (New York: Algora Publishing) Scurfield, R.M. (2006). War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned From Vietnam to Iraq. Volume 3 of A Vietnam Trilogy (New York: Algora Publishing). Scurfield, R.M. (2006). Healing Journeys: Study Abroad with Vietnam Veterans. Volume 2 of A Vietnam Trilogy (New York: Algora Publishing). Scurfield, R.M. (2007a, March 11). “Military problems go beyond Walter Reed Army Medical Center.” Scurfield, R.M. (2007b). “PTSD/Combat Operational Stress.” Presentation at the national U.S. Navy “War Time Seal, K.H., D. Bertenthal, C.R. Miner, S. Saunak & C. Marmar (2007). “Mental Health Disorders Among 103,788 US Veterans Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan Seen at Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities.” Arch Intern Med.167: 476-482. Solomon, Z & Mikulincer, M. (2006, April). Trajectories of PTSD: a 20-year longitudinal study. Am J Psychiatri, 163 (4), 659-66. Wood, Sara. American Forces Press Service (2006, December 19). “Army releases results of third soldier mental health survey.” News & Commentary Military News. Accessed on END ![]() | ![]() |
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